Every business that has a warehouse should waste no time in hiring security guards. While this does represent an additional expense that many businesses may not want to take on, the advantages easily pay for themselves. If you are a business owner or warehouse manager, take a look at just five benefits of warehouse security guards that you should keep in mind. 

Prevent Theft

One way that warehouse security guards can quite literally pay for themselves is in the amount of theft they prevent. Most people who are thinking about stealing goods from a warehouse will be deterred by the presence of a security guard and choose to commit their crimes elsewhere. This can save a business more money each year than it costs to employ an experienced security guard.

Communicate With Police

In the rare event that theft does take place, you will no doubt want somebody who can provide a thorough statement to the police. If you do not have a warehouse security guard on payroll, then you will have to rely on cameras, which may not have captured detailed footage of the crime.

Handle Emergencies

Thankfully, emergencies aren't a daily occurrence at most warehouses, but when they do happen, security guards can be lifesavers in the most literal sense. That's because security guards often know how to perform CPR and administer basic first aid. They will also be trained to contact appropriate emergency services as soon as possible. In this way, warehouse security guards provide peace of mind for everyone who spends their time at a warehouse. 

Facilitate Warehouse Visits

Many warehouses—especially larger, regional ones—are the center of multi-million dollar logistics enterprises. As a result, they often see dozens of visitors every day, from new employees attending orientation sessions to upper-level management performing efficiency audits. The first point of contact for all of these people is often a warehouse security guard who welcomes them to the building, verifies their identification, and then gives helpful instructions about where to go next.

Keep Employees Safe

Employees are at the heart of any business, and warehouse security guards are one of the most effective ways to keep your employees safe should they ever be put in harm's way while on the job. Warehouse managers and business owners that hire security guards signal to their employees that safety is a priority rather than an afterthought.

Contact a local warehouse security service to learn more. 
