An unoccupied vacation home or permanent residence could become a target for a criminal. The National Home Watch Association (NHWA) is a membership-based group that provides training and inspections. This group offers many invaluable tools that will help you start up a home watch business within a local community.

The Business Objectives

A home watch business is one that may cater to a single neighborhood or a larger region that contains many dwelling types and communities. An NHWA-accredited business may provide a range of services to property owners. Visual inspections of a property can be performed while a homeowner is away. These inspections provide a presence that could potentially deter someone from trespassing.

A representative of a home watch company can provide a walkthrough of a property when an owner is present. This type of walkthrough can be used to detect issues that could pose a threat to a piece of property in the future. For instance, a representative may notice that the locking system used on a home is outdated or that the windows in a home will not sufficiently protect against intruders. The issues will be discussed with a property owner.

Equipping a residence with safety features could greatly reduce mishaps. A representative of a home watch business can respond to emergency calls. If an alarm goes off at a residence and a representative has access to the property, they will be able to turn off the alarm and inspect the property. They may even consult with a security company to ensure that no damage has occurred on a piece of property.

The Training Process

Anyone who decides to become a member will need to complete Home Watch Association training. The training will consist of learning modules and testing. Each member will need to pass a thorough background check. An individual who decides to start a home watch business may be seen as a more reputable business owner once they have completed formal training and have received a certificate that proves that they successfully passed a home watch test.

Some training services that the NHWA offers may include live conferences and virtual courses. These training processes will provide a student with the opportunity to meet other home watch associates. A conference may require an overnight commitment on the part of any applicant who will be attending the event. Before a home watch business is opened, a business owner should acquire insurance coverage. Insurance requirements may be outlined during the home watch training.
