If you just got a job as a security guard and you are going to be working on a patrol, you are going to want to make sure that you have a few basic patrol techniques mastered. Patrol is an important part of a security detail.

#1 Always Wear Comfortable Shoes

First, you need to make sure that you always wear comfortable shoes that match with your uniform requirements for your security jobs. If you are going to doing a security patrol, you are going to be walking all day and be on your feet. With that much time on your feet, you want to make sure that you are wearing comfortable shoes. You want to make sure that your shoes are supportive. You will want to get supportive insoles for your shoes as well to provide you with some extra support.

#2 Change Up Your Patrol Intervals

Don't get stuck in a routine. That is exactly what troublemakers want you to do – get stuck in a routine that is predictable. Change where you start your patrols from. Change how long you go on patrol. Change the path that you walk. Write down where you start and end your patrols, the route you take, and the length of your patrols, and compare your notes over a few days. Make sure that you are not unconsciously following a routine or pattern. Unpredictability is key when you are on a security guard patrol.

#3 Take Corners Wide

When you walk around corners, don't hug the wall. Instead, take corners nice and wide, and make sure that you shine your light around the corner. That way, you can spot anyone who may be trying to surprise you, and you will always see what is coming.

#4 Stop & Listen

When you are on patrol, you should not just be walking around. You should also make sure that you stop and listen every once in a while. Stand still and listen throughout your patrol. This will help you get in tune with your surroundings. This will help you learn the sounds that are normal in the area that you patrol, and will help you learn what sounds are not natural. Focusing on listening will help you become a better patrol guard.

If you are just starting to work as a security patrol guard, make sure that you have comfortable shoes with a good tread for walking around. When you walk around, be sure to change up your patrol routes and intervals. Take corners wide to see what is happening. Remember to stop and listen, and use sound, not just your vision, to keep your patrol area safe. Also, be sure to follow everything that you learn during your patrol training.

For more information about security, contact companies such as FCSS Corp.
